
The Encyclopedia Americana (1920)/Oberhoffer, Emil

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Edition of 1920. See also Emil Oberhoffer on Wikipedia, and the disclaimer.

1311884The Encyclopedia Americana — Oberhoffer, Emil

OBERHOFFER, o'bėr-hôf'ẽr, Emil, German-American musician: b. near Munich in 1867. He received his early musical education from his father, a capable organist, and played the organ and violin extremely well at the age of 10. He studied the piano and musical composition under Carl Kistler in Munich and in Paris under Isidore Philip. He settled in the United States and became conductor of the Apollo Club at Saint Paul. In 1901 he directed the Philharmonic Club in Minneapolis and through his efforts the Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra was organized and endowed. Of this Mr. Oberhoffer has been the conductor since its creation in 1903 and has raised it to a high standard of excellence that ranks it with the leading symphony orchestras of the United States. He also holds the chair of music in the University of Minnesota.